Desconstructing the binding character of business and human rights regulations: from the voluntary nature of the Ruggie Principles to the voluntariness of national guidelines Edmundo Antonio Dias Netto Junior, Marlon Alberto Weichert; Raquel Portugal Nunes e:046 PDF (Português (Brasil))
Between a desired and a feasible outcome: towards a binding treaty on business and human rights Carmen Montesinos Padilla e:047 PDF (Español (España))
Human rights, corporations and human rights in the United Nations system: an economic analysis in relation to creation of binding norms for the human rights obligations of corporations Luiz Eduardo Camargo Outeiro Hernandes e:049 PDF (Português (Brasil))
[Retracted Article] Extraterritorial obligations of States on economic, social, cultural rights and development operations Dimitris Liakopoulos e:049
Challenges of the multiculturalism to Arbitration Law and the international negociation Rhayanne Dutra Machado Mendanha , Florisbal de Souza Del’Olmo e:050 PDF (Português (Brasil))
Reflections from the public hearing “Direitos Humanos e empresas: qual é a política pública que o Brasil precisa?” Laura Monteiro Senra e:051 PDF (Português (Brasil))
Corporate governance and human rights: an empirical analysis in “novo mercado” Carlos Pagano Botana Portugal Gouvêa , Bruna Magalhães Gärner, João Paulo Braune Guerra e:052 PDF (Português (Brasil))
Conflicts between the interest of the state and of the companies: market regulation and the constitutional principles’ balancing under the prespective of economic policies Antonio de Holanda Cavalcante Segundo, Caio Anderson da Silva Dantas e:053 PDF (Português (Brasil))
The inclusion of LGBTI persons' protection in the international business and human rights agenda Gabriel Coutinho Galil, Rafael Carrano Lelis, Paola Durso Angelucci e:054 PDF (Português (Brasil))
New look at the obligation to help persons with disabilities in the private initiative Roberto Carlos Ferreira Soares e:055 PDF (Português (Brasil))