Call for Submissions! 5th ISA Forum of Sociology RC17 Sociology of Organization

Call for Submissions!

5th ISA Forum of Sociology
Rabat, Morocco | June 25-30, 2025

Are you a junior scholar (pre-doc or early-stage post-doc) researching the intersection of sociology of organization and food? Don’t miss the opportunity to join a Paper Development Session hosted by the RC17 Sociology of Organization in collaboration with RC40 Sociology of Agriculture and Food!

Session Title: Recent Perspectives in the Sociology of Organization and Food – Paper Development Session
Format: Roundtable Discussion
Language: English

This session is designed to explore dynamic and emerging research on organization and food from diverse perspectives. We invite work-in-progress papers from junior scholars that address themes such as:

Conceptual Frameworks: Theoretical approaches connecting organization and food with broader social dynamics.

Organization and Food as Social Practice: How food shapes identity, traditions, and collective practices.

Inequalities: Disparities in organizational and food access across social groups.

Historical & Trans-National Perspectives: Comparative studies on food and organization across time and societies.

Politics: Investigating food as a political tool or site of struggle.

By participating, you’ll get valuable feedback from peers and journal editors from “Journal of Organizational Sociology” and “International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food”, helping you advance your work for publication!

Submission Deadline: Submit your abstracts today! Upon acceptance, you’ll be invited to submit an extended paper of up to 6000 words two weeks before the forum.

Submit Now: 5th ISA Forum – Call for Abstracts

Session Organizers:

  • Katerina Psarikidou, Lancaster University, UK (

  • Thiago Pimentel, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil (

  • Robert Jungmann, Trier University, Germany (

Join us to contribute to cutting-edge discussions and shape the future of sociology in the fields of organization and food!