About the Journal
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is a journal of tourism informed by the social sciences. Alongside traditional perspectives associated with themes of tourism - notably the applied studies of management and tourism economy - Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) dedicates considerable space for theoretical interpretative and critical perspectives. These ones aim to problematize notions taken for granted, thus opening space for multi, trans, and interdisciplinary dialogues, in order to produce innovative knowledge, not just about the tourist object (still under construction) but from it. In this way, we hope to promote and contribute ultimately to the consolidation of this field of knowledge.
CURRENT PATTERN OF THE EDITORIAL POLICY (and Strategies Experienced Before)
Founded in 2011, in more than a decade of history, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos has experienced different emphases in its editorial policy, and can be classified into 3 periods:
(1) the initial years, from 2011 to 2013, in which the journal produced Generic Issues (miscellany), were marked by the irregular flow of articles and the initial learning phase, efforts focused on structuring the journal and its content was still dependent on a considerably internal demand (teachers and students of the institution itself) and the constitution of thematic lines and sections of the journal;
(2) the period of expansion and quantitative and modification of the profile of authors and themes published, between 2014 and 2018, when the journal went through the adoption of the realization of Thematic Dossiers and went from being biannual (publishing 12 articles per year) to being four-monthly (with 8 articles per volume, publishing 24 articles per year), which allowed it to achieve greater national projection and international insertion; and
(3) the contemporary period, from 2019 to the present, in which the policy the journal developed a Hybrid Form of publication merging part of its contributions in the form of a thematic dossier and part received in the form of spontaneous continuous flow (miscellaneous), gathered in a single volume per year, where articles are published on a continuous flow basis, that is, as they are approved.
In short, after having produced Generic Issues and Thematic Dossiers, now, due to the increased demand and interest over Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) , especially that provided by the international audience, the journal has adopted the Hybrid Form in order to make a better balance and accommodate all the different stakeholders' demands. Our Thematic Section (because now it is a section in the single annually issue) is dedicated to a hot topic on the cutting edge knowledge in the area, which is associated with another General Section (hors du thème) with the spontaneous contributions nucleated around conceptual issues, practices, and even spatial scales (local, regional, national and even international).
The very central idea behind this strategy is to allow more agility and celerity to the publication, as well as offering to the readers l’état de l’art of of tourism knowledge production, in different contexts and times.
Scientific research papers, essays, case reports, reviews, and pensatas are accepted, in any of the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, as published in the original language of submission.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is an open and free access online journal that is quarterly and uses triple-blind peer review method of papers’ evaluation. It receives original and unpublished works since they are not being reviewed in another journal.
The publication of substantive scientific knowledge on tourism regardless of the place of origin of its production and/or epistemological and analytic orientation, since it is based on a rigorous academic perspective, with high accuracy and credibility and that can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this subject field.
Be a nationally and internationally recognized journal, through its indexing on relevant databases (e.g. ESCI/WoS) and by the quality of the papers and authors published, making Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos being quoted and used as a secure and trusted source of knowledge on tourism, and being a national and Latin American leading journal in the diffusion of the scientific knowledge on tourism to all stakeholders involved in tourism (including other adjacent areas) – as students, professors, researchers, and market professionals.
To propagate and socialize the scientific knowledge theoretical-critical and applied in tourism, at the national and international levels.
In a complementary manner, this journal has as concern the stimulation of national and international students, professors, researchers, and professionals interested in the field of tourism and its interfaces, to promote the debate and the production of knowledge. Thus contributing to the deepening of traditional issues which have been debated as well as exploring new themes; with the aim, in short, of the technical and scientific improvement and providing substantial information to the development of the tourist activity.
· To offer public and democratic space for discussion, debate, exchange of ideas and the production of scientific knowledge in tourism, supported, rigorous and scientific;
· Publicize pedagogic, scientific research and professional works developed in national and international level, as well as for professionals related to the tourist trade, favoring the exchange of theories, perspectives and studies;
· Provide and maintain a reference database on scientific knowledge in tourism
· Researchers of tourism in regional, national, and international spheres;
· Professors of Tourism in regional, national and international spheres;
· Post-graduate students and, eventually, undergraduate students, in regional, national and international spheres;
· Tourism professionals;
· People interested in this field of knowledge.
The journal Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is an open-access publication, meaning that no fees are charged for submission, article processing, reading, or downloading content. All costs associated with editing and publishing are borne by OEST-COGITO/UFJF.
However, in exceptional cases where there is a need for interest, agility, and societal impact through the publication of scientific articles, the ABET journal offers the Dossier format. This format (i.e., non-regular issues) exceeds the operational and financial limits of the university and is therefore not funded by it. To make this possible, external funding is required, typically obtained through the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC). Nevertheless, other funding sources may be utilized, such as support from funding agencies, or the APC may exceptionally be waived if resources from the university are available.
In the Dossier format, authors of accepted articles (or dossier organizers) are responsible for covering the APC to ensure publication. This cost can be fully or partially funded by their home institutions or research funding agencies. All funds collected to support this format are entirely allocated to covering the operational expenses of publication processing, which is carried out by the specialized company that provides these services to the journal: Open Journal Solutions (CNPJ: 23.021.050/0001-50), phone: +55 11 98959-9988, https://openjournalsolutions.com.br/contact, email: contato@openjournalsolutions.com.br.
The ABET journal does not receive, manage, or intermediate financial resources, nor does it retain any portion of the collected funds.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is an exclusively online journal (Open Journal System) and does not have copies available on physical media.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is a journal exclusively online and uses Open Journal Systems (OJS, a free code system for administration and publication of journals developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.
EVALUATION PROCESS (Triple Blind Review Process)
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) has an institutional policy of appraising oriented to receiving and selection of original articles, results of scientific research in tourism, as well as theoretical review articles or theoretical essays about categories and border issues in order to promote and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in tourism, either empirical or theoretical level.
Fundamentally, the vision that guides this journal is to be a national and international reference about the State of the art scientific knowledge production in Brazil, bringing together the main contributions of researchers in tourism all around the country, either directly through their articles or indirectly through their participation in the editorial board or as reviewers, making sure to certification and reputation of the paper´s quality and knowledge contributed by the journal.
To carry out this mission of select high-quality papers, from empirical or theoretical research results, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) launches a set of procedures and formal mechanisms embedded in broader assessment processes, which are:
Decisions about submission are made through the electronic journal publishing system (SEER). The author, upon prior registration on this site system, must submit files in compliance with the standards set out in the guidelines for authors, whose main criteria are originality, originality, appropriateness to the journal' scope, and follow the practices of double-blind peer review. More specific criteria used by reviewers can be conferred in section: guidelines for evaluation.
Usually, an evaluation is completed within 120 days. Reviewers involved in this process are always academics doctors (or professionals since they have PhD degree) with expertise in the different thematic subareas of tourism which contribute voluntarily to work assessment appointed by the editor-in-Chief. This editor designates for each article to be appropriate to the scope of the journal, two referees who have a profile or a resume-expertise to facilitate the assessment of the work. In the whole process of communication, the decision is made by the editor in chief through the SEER system, and in specific cases, email may be used to communicate between author-editor, in which there is no prejudice to blinding.
Submission Template:
Português: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/abet/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/580
English: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/abet/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/581
Guidelines for authors:
Criteria to the papers' assesment:
One single issue per year, in the regime of continuous flux (e.g., papers are publishing according they are approved).
[Recording note. Previous Pattern of Publication: From 2011 to 2013, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) was published semestrally (2 issues per year, one in February 15 - March 15, and the other on July 15 - August 15); from 2014 to 2018, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) was published quarterly (3 issues per year: being (a) one referring to the period from January - April, published until May 15; (b) the second referring to the period from May -August, published usually until September 15; and the third one referring to the period from on September -December, published until January 15.]
OPEN ACCESS POLICY (Our commitment to the Green Route of Science)
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater democratization of world knowledge.
Authors must agree to the following terms relating to copyrights:
(a) Authors keep all copyright and grant the the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allowing job sharing with recognition of authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.
(b) Authors are allowed to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g. publish in institutional repository or book chapter), with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this magazine.
(c) Authors are allowed and are encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on your personal page) since they do not do this before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive interchange, as well as increase the impact and citation of work aired. (See Effect of Free Access).
Aligned with best practices, nationally and internationally, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) requires compliance with the following criteria for regular publication* of papers:
The manuscript submitted should be an original and unprecedented contribution bolstered by some thematic line inserted in the scope of the journal. Otherwise, you must justify in "Comments to the Editor."
The article must not have been previously published in any journal or book. We accept, however, papers presented at congresses.
The text cannot be under evaluation at the same time in another journal, whether national or international.
The papers can have a maximum of 3 (three) co-authors, besides the main author, totaling so a maximum of 4 (four) persons per manuscript.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) reserves the right to postpone the edition or volume (year) subsequent an article approved if the authors or co-authors of the same institution have already published some article in the current year, in order to not exceed 20% of papers from the same institution (concentration index), thereby ensuring the fulfillment of national criteria (and recommendations international) journals assessment.
Similarly, in order to avoid concentration authorship, Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) publish only 1 text from one author per year. If the author has another manuscript approved, it will be postponed to the following year.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) will not publish articles in which the editor-in-chief and/or associate editors are listed as authors or co-authors.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) may publish manuscripts of authors or co-authors of the Editorial Board, of members of the Scientific Editorial Board, and people from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora if, and only if, they are not involved in the process of evaluating the article.
In order to avoid institutional endogeny articles from UFJF authorship will be published, in a maximum of 20% (4.8 items per year).
Even if all the other requirements are accomplished, the papers will only be accepted on desk review, and then to proceed in the editorial process, the manuscripts that are free from identification of the authorship. This kind of identification must be removed from the archive via the option “Properties in Word", guaranteeing in this way the confidentiality criteria of the journal, in order to Ensure the Blind Peer Review since the manuscripts are submitted to triple-blind peer review process (e.g. articles). ATTENTION! This condition is essential for the text to start the editorial process of evaluation. If you do not fulfill this requirement, the manuscript will be returned to the author.
All the information on the authorship must be filled directly in the system, in the “metadata section”.
The files for submission must be in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF (as long as you don't exceed 2 MB). Articles that, perhaps, exceed this size can be sent directly via email to the magazine: revista.abet@ufjf.edu.br after doing the submission in the formal system. (Just the file should be sent by email).
The text must be written in a single-spaced; uses an arial narrow font of 11-points; employs italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); the figures and tables must be included in the text, not at the end of the document, such as attachments.
The text should use the Brazilian system of citations and references, as stated by the Brazilian Association of technical standards APA 6th edition. Full details of the style patterns and bibliographic requirements are described in Guidelines to Authors, in the section About the magazine. ATTENTION! This condition is essential to start the text editorial process of evaluation. If you do not fulfill this requirement, the manuscript will be returned to the author.
All addresses "URL" must be on active status.
Articles must meet all the proceedings of the editorial process (cf. Evaluation Policy).
Authors must agree to the following terms relating to copyrights:
(a) Authors keep all copyright and grant the to the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allowing job sharing with recognition of authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.
(b) Authors are allowed to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g. publish in institutional repository or book chapter), with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this magazine.
(c) Authors are allowed and are encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on your personal page) since they do not do this before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive interchange, as well as increase the impact and citation of work aired. (See Effect of Free Access).
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is editing by the SEOT/COGITO from the Tourism Department of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, and counts with different kinds of support from the following collaborators:
The editors thank the Pró-Reitoria de Graduação/PROGRAD by the fellowship dedicated to the students who worked on this project, as well to the Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação to the creation of the pool of scientific journals of the UFJF.
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/UFJF
Research group Conhecimento, Organização e Turismo - COGITO (Knowledge, Organization and Tourism), by the work of editing and management of the journal.
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies) is published by the Economic and Social Observatory of Tourism / ESOT in collaboration with the Knowledge Research Group on "Knowledge, Organization and Tourism" - COGITO ("Conhecimento, Organização e Turismo" - COGITO)/ CNPq, both attached to the Department of Tourism from Federal University of Juiz de Fora/UFJF.
Adress: José Lourenço Kelmer street, University Campus, Human Sciences Institute, block A, room A-II- 08. San Peter District, Juiz de Fora City, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. CEP: CEP.:36036-330. Tel.: +55(32) 8838-3750. E-mail: revista.abet@ufjf.edu.br
1. Publication frequency and number of papers
2011 until dez. 2013 - semiannual - 2 issues with 6 papers each (12 papers year)
Jan. 2014 until dez. 2018 - quarterly - 3 issues with 8 papers each (24 papers year)
Jan. 2019 until present - 1 issue year with Continuous Article Publication (about 32 papers year)
As the journal is now publishing the papers in the order they are approved, just the end of the year we will have all the issues completed. Papers are been uploaded one by one. For this reason the texts do not follow sequential order in the issue neither in their pages. All the papers will be identified by their DOI's.
2. License
From 2011 to 2015 no license was flagged on the website or in the papers
From 2016 to 2018 - All papers are Licensed by Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial / No Derivatives / 4.0 / International (CC BY NC ND)
From 2019 to present - All papers are Licensed by Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY)