Tourism geopolitics: theoretical concepts and practical contexts
Tourism and geopolitics, Tourism geopolitics, Geopolitical concepts of tourism, Tourism-geopolitical strategy of the state, Tourism as political “bifurcation points”Abstract
The article discusses the role of the tourism and hospitality industry in the geopolitical processes of the modern world. Based on many examples, we can argue that today the tourism and hospitality industry is one of the most powerful tools for the geopolitical influence, a factor in international strategy on the “world chessboard”. We can talk about the formation of “tourism geopolitics” – a new interdisciplinary scientific direction, focused on studying the place, role, functions and impact of tourism as a form of influence by the states (economic, political, cultural, etc.) in the external political environment. Also, tourism geopolitics can be considered as one of the ways to optimally organize own space of the country (interethnic, cultural, demographic, economic, political, etc.) in the domestic environment. The article attempts to comprehend the sphere of tourism as a geopolitical actor of modern international relations (object of study) and consider its integrative forms and geopolitical tools (subject of study). We systematized, summarized in 7 concepts and substantiated the main forms and instruments of influence of the tourism industry as a geopolitical actor: 1) tourism as a soft power, 2) open world (global tourism world-system), 3) tourism as a form of neoliberal colonialism (neocolonialism), 4) tourism worlds and regions as the “world-system”, 5) overtourism as the basis of the geopolitical concept of “cultural anti-pluralism”, 6) national (insider) tourism as a geopolitical concept of the “closed world”, 7) tourism as a showcase of the socio-economic and political structure. From the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that tourism has become an important geopolitical force that possesses its own tools for one country to influence another in order to achieve its goals on the foreign policy arena. It can be asserted that an independent scientific field - tourism geopolitics - has formed, with its own concepts and methodology. It is important to begin studying this field to understand the mechanisms and tools of development.
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