Customer satisfaction towards hotel services: a systematic review and research agenda
Customer Satisfaction, Hotel Services, Service Quality, Hospitality Sector, Systematic ReviewAbstract
In the highly competitive world, the hotel industry's success depends on the quality of services they provide, which gives wow feelings and high customer satisfaction. Many researchers have tried to assess customer satisfaction towards hotel services by proposing different models. Hence, the present study attempts to identify the influencing factors for determining customer satisfaction towards hotel services by conducting a systematic literature review. During the search process, 457 articles were obtained from the Web of Science database, and after filtration, 91 articles were used for further analysis. The result revealed that the top six influential factors affecting customer satisfaction towards hotel services are empathy, assurance, reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, and green practices. If customers are satisfied, they will be motivated to revisit, spread positive word of mouth, and build loyalty. Moreover, the results identified that the USA, Malaysia, and China are the leading countries in this field. This study provides an extensive literature review, which otherwise is an unexplored area so far, which offers valuable insight for the hotel service providers to improve their services and also to the researchers and academicians to develop and propose new theories.
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