COVID-19 and women in the tourism & hospitality workforce: a thematic analysis
impact, tourism, India, Covid-19, Female Labour-ForceAbstract
The impact of COVID-19 on the tourism and hospitality industries is one of the most hotly debated studies in recent literature, but how women in the tourism and hospitality industries dealt with the pandemic has received insufficient attention. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore and investigate the impact of COVID-19 on women in the workforce, specifically in the hospitality and tourism industries in India. A qualitative study methodology was adopted, and in-depth interviews were conducted among 30 females, including employees, small-scale vendors, and entrepreneurs. A thematic analysis of the results was conducted using Nvivo-12. By using thematic analysis, twelve sub-themes were condensed into three main themes. The study addresses the main issues of women in the workforce in a time of uncertainty and crisis and highlights actions needed for the inclusive development of women in society.
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