Crises and tourism: an early assessment on the Russia-Ukraine war
Russia – Ukraine War, Tourism, Tourism CrisisAbstract
This research compares the crisis arising from the war between Russia and Ukraine with previous global crises. It also examines how the crisis can shape international societies, economies and tourism. Since the crisis is very new, the authors made a literature review. In this context, newspapers, journals, scientific publications and reports were examined. Global tourism is in a serious contraction due to the crisis. The interruption of international trade, the global food crisis and the increase in oil prices have restricted the global tourism and travel industry, especially food and beverage, accommodation and transportation. Emerging problems such as poverty, hunger, insufficient supply, inflationary pressure, closure of supply chains and loss of workforce require the UN to reconsider its sustainable development goals. The war between Russia and Ukraine has been criticized for all kinds of negative effects such as life and property security. The contribution of international non-governmental organizations to the solution of crises such as food, oil and supply chain is seen as insufficient. Previous research on tourism and crisis literature mentions the effects of past crises on tourism. This research contributes to the literature on the Russia-Ukraine crisis in two ways: First, it deals with the crisis arising from the war both in terms of previous global crises and in terms of sub-branches of tourism and secondly it analyzes how the crisis will play a role on future tourism. It is the first research to report the effects on global tourism by providing an early assessment of the crisis.
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