Creative tourism and innovation laboratories for tourism development in the post-pandemic context: evidence and reflections
Cooperation, Experimentation, Participation, Creativity, TourismAbstract
The purpose of this study is to discuss the notion of innovation laboratories as a platform for tourism development in cities with a focus on creative tourism. The literature review contemplates conceptual aspects of innovation laboratories and creative tourism, proposing the interrelationships between the concepts. The narrative review technique was used as method, based on bibliographical and documental sources as well as an interview. As results, authorization, financing, lines of action, characterization, communication, and objectives are important elements for the constitution of innovation laboratories in tourism, and these spaces have shown contributions fostering local culture and business. In addition, to stimulate experience tourism from the community's and visitors' creative potential. The results are to the actors involved in tourism activity, including policymakers, by demonstrating the potential of innovation laboratories in the context of creative tourism, based on empirical illustrations, in which cooperation and experimentation contribute to the tourism development of more inclusive and resilient cities.
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