
Anais Brasileiros de Estudos Turísticos (ABET) / Brazilian Annals of Tourism Studies (BATS) e-ISSN 2238-2925

(indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and ISI Web of Science) (Quails A4, 2020-2024)


Editor in chief

Thiago Duarte Pimentel

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora/UFJF, Brasil

Guest Editors

Edwaldo Sérgio dos Anjos Júnior

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF

Elizabete Sayuri Kushano

Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR

Jader Janer Moreira Lopes

Universidade Federal Fluminense/UFF

Aim for the Special Edition

Pedagogical Tourism is considered a type of tourism that not only provides education, learning, and new memories for students but also benefits others involved in the process of educating and travelling— or, more accurately, travelling to educate. This practice enables what Geraldi (2010) calls “classes as events.”

As Freire (2003) noted, education is a political act, an aesthetic experience, a process of scientific training, and an ethical manifestation. It encompasses a range of complex principles tied to the construction and exchange of knowledge between individuals and involves different dynamics within the movement.

As Andriolo (2012) suggested, there are as many travel styles as there are periods in human life. Pedagogical Tourism, as a practice centred on educational movement, particularly targets children and adolescents from kindergarten through elementary and high school. Understanding these groups’ aspirations, desires, singularities, and needs is crucial to humanizing pedagogical itineraries. It is also vital to recognize the growing valorization of children’s and adolescents’ knowledge and worldviews, thus broadening their understanding of their own reality.

This Special Edition aims to bridge the interface between Tourism and Education. It invites researchers and professionals from these fields to engage in practical and academic dialogue on this theme, thus broadening perspectives.

Theme and Related Matters

  • Understanding the concepts of Pedagogical Tourism, Educational Tourism, Student Tourism, and Exchange Program Tourism, focusing on incursions into territories adjacent to educational institutions or organizations, returning to foundational concepts such as Freinet’s (1973) field trips.

  • Analysis of specific institutional programs and projects guiding Educational Tourism, as well as public policies at the municipal, state, and federal levels, along with international projects and legislation.

  • Research reports involving professionals working in Educational Tourism as a market segment.

  • Research involves educators accompanying students on field trips and other pedagogical activities “outside of school.”

  • Case studies related to Educational Tourism ventures.

  • Perceptions of students, particularly children and adolescents, who have had experiences as tourists, with attention to the unique characteristics of this age group, which are often underrepresented in tourism literature (Timothy & Poria, 2014; Canosa, Graham, Wilson, 2019; Canosa & Graham, 2022; Zhong & Peng, 2021; Kushano, 2023).

  • Possible correlations with travel dynamics include spatial representations of the trip, conflicts or intercultural differences experienced by participants, and mediation practices employed with children.

The dialogue surrounding Educational Tourism, viewed from diverse perspectives, seeks to understand the meanings and collective efforts required to ensure a memorable, inclusive, environmentally sustainable, and ethical experience for the social actors involved and their surroundings. Simultaneously, it encourages practices aimed at children and young people to occupy a more prominent space in the scientific agenda of Tourism, especially by allowing them to present their understanding of the world.

Selection criteria:

A pre-selection phase will undergo through Expression of Interest (EOI) in Summary format, which should be sent to the co-editors emails:,, and

The Abstract must contain the objective, justification, methodology and possible results specifically linked to the theme of the thematic call, with a minimum length of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words, containing the title; name of the author(s); up to a maximum of 4 authors; credentials of the author(s) with full name, title, institutional affiliation, email and Lattes ID; keywords (3, maximum). Font: Arial Narrow, 9; single-spaced.

The authors will have another date to submit the full texts based on the abstracts previously selected by the co-editors. Then, they will be sent for double-blind evaluation.

Proposals will be selected based on their suitability to the call theme and on criteria of originality, topicality, scientific relevance, theoretical and empirical consistency, and analytical depth.

Submission rules

Submitted articles must not be published before or effectively evaluated by another Journal. The full article’s submission must follow ABET’s publication standards, available at:

Submission schedule

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 28, 2025

Deadline for co-authors to evaluate abstracts: March 24, 2025

Submission of full texts: April 30, 2025 (full-text submissions must always be submitted through the ABET website)

The preliminary forecast for evaluation of full articles by reviewers: July 31, 2025

Initial forecast for the launch of the Thematic Edition: Second half of 2025.


Andriolo, A. (2012). Metamorfoses do olhar na viagem de Goethe à Itália. ArtCultura13(23).

Canosa, A., & Graham, A. (2023). Reimagining children’s participation: a child rights informed approach to social justice in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(12), 2667–2679.

Freinet, C. (1973). As técnicas Freinet da Escola Moderna. Tradução: Silva Letra. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa.

Freire, P. (2003). Política e Educação: ensaios. São Paulo. Cortez.

Geraldi, J. (2010). A aula como acontecimento. São Carlos. Editora Pedro & João.

Kushano, E. S. (2023). Turismo e Infância. Campinas: Pedro & João Editores.

Poria, Y., & Dallen, J. (2014). / Where are the children in tourism research? Annals of Tourism Research, 47, 93–95.

Zhong, S., & Peng, H. (2021). Children’s tourist world: Two scenarios. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100824.