a prototype for analyzing and evaluating levels of interactivity in technology-enhanced items
Technology-enhanced items, Interactive technology-enhanced items, Interactivity assessment instrument, e-ValAbstract
The work aims to present the instrument “e-Val: Evaluation of Interactivity in technology-enhanced items”, a prototype that diagnoses the levels of interactivity of technology-enhanced items. e-Val is the result of research carried out by the authors from February 2020 to January 2021 and included, in the theoretical-bibliographic review, the definition of the technological and pedagogical elements responsible for the interaction, as well as indicators with relevance indices and criteria with levels of interactivity. Then, the development and prototyping of the instrument and validation through the analysis of digital items available on MathemaTIC and TAO platforms took place. The results obtained showed that the instrument is effective not only to help developers of technology-enhanced items in the planning and design of interactivity, but also to analyze the level of interactivity in items that have already been developed. As for the analysis of the technology-enhanced items available on the platforms, they present varying levels of interactivity. The MathemaTIC platform, aimed at learning activities in everyday school life, features more attractive design, gamification elements, and the use of e-Val pointed to medium and high levels of interactivity. The technology-enhanced items produced by the CAEd/UFJF teams with the TAO platform, on the other hand, have low interactivity. The analyzes showed that there is still a prevalence of the transposition of items developed in print to the digital medium, with a focus on specific content and/or actions in which interactivity is trivialized by objects or clickable response options and linear navigation sequences, as well as rare associations between knowledge, peers or didactic-pedagogical strategies to arrive at possible answers.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Liamara Scortegagna; Adriana Rocha Bruno
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.