Scenes of restoration: the grotesque image of the bougonia in Georgics 4. 281-314




bugonia, grotesque, scenes, bees, restoration


Virgil’s Georgics, on 4. 281-314, describes a method for the restoration of a swarm lost of bees, namely, the bugonia: a cattle putrefied carcass would give rise to a new swarm. A grotesque method that explores the borders of the body as an universal principle to strengthen the ambivalences (BAKHTIN, 1987, p. 265-322). Beside grotesque features, the bugonia is problematic concerning their applicability; the grotesque method can be read as a scene of social and political restoration of the Rome from mid-1st century b.C.


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How to Cite

MUNIZ, L. de A. Scenes of restoration: the grotesque image of the bougonia in Georgics 4. 281-314. Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 17–28, 2019. DOI: 10.34019/2318-3446.2019.v7.28173. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


