A research on determining the level of tourists’ satisfaction regarding Kazakh Cuisine
Kazakh cuisine, Tourist satisfaction, Service quality, Gastronomy tourismAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to determine the satisfaction levels of foreign tourists visiting Kazakhstan regarding local cuisine. In addition, the determination of tourists' visit motives, behavioral intentions. The universe of the study consists of foreign tourists who visit Almaty city and experience unique Kazakh food and drinks. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using the questionnaire technique. The evaluations of foreign tourists arising from their eating and drinking experiences in Kazakhstan are grouped into seven dimensions which are: local foods, personnel quality, facility quality, culinary culture, visit effect, menu, and price dimensions. It was determined that there were significant differences according to gender, frequency of visit, the purpose of visit, nationality, and age variables towards the local cuisine satisfaction of tourists. It can be said that the level of satisfaction of the tourists with the local foods and beverages they experience in Kazakhstan is high. There is a positive relationship between tourist satisfaction dimensions (local food, facility quality, visit effect, and price satisfaction) and frequency of tourists visiting Kazakhstan. It has been concluded that tourists visiting for leisure purposes give more importance to the quality of personnel, the quality of the facility, and the price.
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