The effect on business performance of marketing strategies implemented against the crises


  • Süleyman Akkaşoğlu Dogus University
  • Şevki Ulema Sakarya University of Applied Sciences



Crisis, Marketing Strategies, Business Performance


The aim of the research was to identify the impact of marketing strategies implemented by hotel businesses in response to crises on business performance. Four & five-star hotels in the Antalya and Istanbul provinces constituted the universe of the research. The data were collected by questionnaire. Consequently, it was found that the hotel businesses are affected at a higher degree by the political and economic crises and that the businesses benefit more intensively from marketing strategies aimed at gaining customers and competition against the crises. As a consequence, it was found out that the crises have a positively effect marketing strategies and a negative impact on the business performance, and that the marketing strategies have a positively effect business performance. It is considered that the study will contribute at the point of well-evaluation of the fact of the crisis with regards to the tourism industry and at the point of positive effect of businesses’ correct marketing strategies on their performance. The study focused on exogenous crises affecting hotel businesses. In future studies, the marketing strategies to be implemented by businesses against endogenous crises may be investigated.


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Author Biographies

Süleyman Akkaşoğlu, Dogus University

Ph.D. in Social Sciences/Tourism Management (2020). Master’s in Social Sciences/ Tourism and Hotel Management (2013). Graduation in Accommodation Management (2011). Full-time Asst. Prof. and researcher at Art and Design Faculty, Doğuş University. CV:; [ ]

Şevki Ulema, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

PhD of Marketing/EU (2008). Master in Tourism Management/ADU (2002). Degree in Tourism and Hotel Management/CU (1992). Professor and full-time researcher at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, professor in post-graduation in Tourism Management; as well as in bachelor of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. CV: ; []


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How to Cite

Akkaşoğlu, S., & Ulema, Şevki. (2024). The effect on business performance of marketing strategies implemented against the crises. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turísticos, 14(1).

