The effect of the gastronomy and cookery students' neophobic and neophilic tendencies on their attitudes toward the street flavors
Neophobia, Neophilia, Street Foods, Gastronomy Students, Cookery Students, PhrygiaAbstract
The trends for food neophobia and food neophilia can affect people's attitudes toward new foods. In this context, different regional street foods they have never consumed before can also be an unusual food experience for people. Street foods, which are foods and beverages offered in public areas, reflecting the culinary culture of countries with a rich and different product range, may differ from region to region and even according to the distinct geographical location and seasonal characteristics of the same territory. This study reveals the effects of food neophobia and food neophilia tendencies of gastronomy and cookery students on their attitudes toward street foods. The study concluded that food neophobia and food neophilia trends were linearly and positively related to the attitudes toward street foods. However, significant differences were found in students' neophobia and neophilia tendencies and their attitudes toward street foods according to demographic characteristics. In addition, it was determined that the students continued to consume street foods even though they did not find them hygienic. On the other hand, the study revealed that the students had a neophilia tendency.
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