Developing tourist destination potential under influence of internal and external factors




tourism gnoseology, tourist destination, tourism potential of the area, external factors, internal factors


This paper aims to identify the main factors of attractiveness of a leisure tourist destination that have the greatest impact on the tourism potential of the area. To this end, a theoretical review was conducted based on the topics of management and planning of tourist destinations, in general, and the conditioning factors of attractiveness of tourist destinations, in particular. Based on the analysis of the academic literature, the authors identified internal and external factors that affect the attractiveness of the tourist destination. The empirical study was conducted as a case study in Russia, with application of an online survey by e-mail to experts in planning and management of tourist destinations, in order to collect their perceptions about the importance of the factors of attractiveness of a tourist destination and highlighted their parameters, collate them with the pre-existing literature and consolidate a matrix of relevant categories for the analysis of the topic. The results explore the internal and external factors that affect the functioning of the attractiveness of the tourist destination. While the former focus directly on the destination's operations and functionality, allowing to improve the tourism potential in a given period of time; the external factors are the source of consumer provision on a legislative basis and take into account national and international developments. It was concluded that the attractiveness of the tourist destination, responsible for the tourism potential of the territory, lies in the balanced interaction of internal and external factors.


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How to Cite

Otcheskiy, I. ., Mutaliyeva, L., Yudina, E. ., Stepanova, D., Shelygov, A., & Seminskaya, E. . (2023). Developing tourist destination potential under influence of internal and external factors. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turísticos, 13(1).

