Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Regular articles

Blind spot of the international human rights law: overcoming the statocentric paradigm and the international accountability of human rights violator companies

Melina Girardi Fachin
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Ana Carolina Ribas
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Ananda Hadah Rodrigues Puchta
Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Bruna Nowak
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Débora Dossiatti de Lima
Academia Brasileira de Direito Constitucional | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Gabriela Sacoman Kszan
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Giulia Fontana Bolzani
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Guilherme Ozório Santander Francisco
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil
Lucas Carli Cavassin
Universidade Federal do Paraná | Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil

Published 2016-11-30


  • Human Rights,
  • Companies,
  • Sovereignty,
  • Jus cogens

How to Cite

Fachin, M. G., Ribas, A. C., Puchta, A. H. R., Nowak, B., Lima, D. D. de, Kszan, G. S., Bolzani, G. F., Francisco, G. O. S., & Cavassin, L. C. (2016). Blind spot of the international human rights law: overcoming the statocentric paradigm and the international accountability of human rights violator companies. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional De Derechos Humanos Y Empresas, 1(1), e:004. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/HOMA/article/view/30423


The contemporary scenario of the International Human Rights Law is still primarily related to the state and its liability, based in a state-centered view. In this respect, while the rules of jus cogens give dynamism to the international field, they also contribute to its evolution towards individual protection. Considering serious human rights violations perpetrated by transnational corporations, private relations become bounded by the mentioned mandatory rules. Thus, it is possible to notice the engagement of international organizations in this sense, standing out the UN's role about the issue of human rights and business. It is, therefore, imperative to interpret the International Human Rights Law as living corpus juris, in order to include companies as formal subjects of rights and duties.


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