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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Files must be sent in two formats: in .DOC or .DOCX format. (editable), containing the author's identification; and in .PDF, without the author's identification.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Check if your profile in the System contains the institution to which you are affiliated and a summary of your curriculum vitae (biography).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • I have an ORCID profile and he is registered in my profile in the journal system.
  • The article has a maximum of 3 co-authors, being at least one of them a master or doctor. In order to submit an article for dossier, at least one of the authors must have a PhD.

Author Guidelines


The articles submitted for publication in Homa Publica – Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas may be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. The work will be published in the submitted language and may be translated in exceptional cases.

Eligible publications include works from authors of all areas of knowledge, limited to 3 co-authors per paper. A master's degree is required for the submission of individual papers. These rules apply to all submitted papers, except invited ones. Works in co-authorship must have at least one master and/or doctor. In order to submit an article for dossier, at least one of the authors must have a PhD.

The journal publishes papers related to "Business and Human Rights". The submitted papers have the following minimum and maximum limits for their analysis by the Editorial Board and eventual publication (papers longer than the established below can be published, at the discretion of the publisher, if its size is considered justifiable):

  • Scientific Paper: Each work shall contain between 35,000 and 60,000 characters – Including spaces, footnotes, and references;

The presented Paper must comply with the following guidelines:


Files must be sent in two formats: in .DOC or .DOCX format. (editable), containing the author's identification; and in .PDF, without the author's identification.

Subject to exceptional possibilities of publication by invitation, articles submitted for evaluation must be unpublished, both in print and digital forms and in Portuguese or other acceptable languages, under penalty of non-publication.

The assignment for publication will be free. No article processing fees (APCs) or submission fees are required.

Articles presented in any language must comply with the same guidelines required by this notice.



All articles are submitted to a prior assessment (desk review) held by the Editor-in-chief, who verifies the attendance to the formal submission requirements, its adequacy to the journal’s editorial policy, and its potential for publication.

The selection of papers for publication is the responsibility of the Editorial Board of the journal and the referees chosen by it, in a double-blind peer review system. Suggestions of a scientific nature may be made by the reviewers, and, if accepted by the author, will lead to a new analysis.



  1. PAPER
    Page formatting: A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm);

  2. FONT
    Arial, size 12 for text and titles;
    Arial, size 10 for citation with more than 3 lines, footnotes, pagination, illustrations, and tables captions;

    • Paragraph formatting:
      Arial, size 12;
      Alignment: justified;
      Line spacing: 1.5 cm;
      Spacing before and after paragraph: 1.5 cm;
      Highlights should be in italics only.

    • Footnote formatting:
      Line spacing: 1 cm.
      Arial, size 10;
      Highlights should be in italics only.

    • Formatting of possible direct citation (citation with more than 3 lines):
      Spacing between lines: 1 cm, with a left spacing of 3 cm, only.

    • Formatting of the Article’s title:
      Arial, size 12, bold, centralized, and with only the first letter in capital.

    • Subtitle formatting:
      size 12, bold, left-aligned;
      Each item must be numbered (including the Introduction and Final Considerations sections) with Arabic numerals and separated by only one character space.
      Only the first letter in capital.

    Left and top margins: 3.0 cm;
    Right and lower margins: 2.0 cm.

  5. PAGES
    Pages should be numbered in the header (top) right.


    The first page of the paper should contain:

      • Title of the article in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
      • Full name of the authors aligned to the right under the title, separated by simple spacing.
      • First footnote containing: main author's qualifications; Institution of Higher Education or Research to which the author is bound; department of the respective institution; e-mail address, and link for the curriculum and ORCID.
      • Abstract between 150 and 300 words in Spanish, Portuguese and English; they should be presented in a single paragraph each, that is, without indentation. Arial font 11, and double spacing between lines.
        1. The abstract should succinctly contain: the problem to which the research aims to answer (objective), the methodology adopted, the theoretical framework used, the results and conclusions of the research.
      • Three to five keywords, in the original language, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, separated by a period and terminated by a period.
      • Information on financing or benefits received, as well as any conflicts of interest and acknowledgments.



    The text of the article should have the following structure:

    • Introduction, containing briefly: contextualization of the research, the problem that is intended to be answered, the hypothesis adopted, justification of the research and its social relevance, the theoretical framework adopted, and the methodology used.
    • Development, containing: literature review, presentation of the research data (theoretical or empirical), data analysis by the author, providing his scientific contribution/innovation of the research to the field of study.
    • Conclusion, summarizing the work in a succinct way, presenting again the research problem, the hypothesis, the justification of the research and its social relevance, the theoretical framework adopted and methodology used, the conclusions of the work and the limitations of the research.
    Footnotes should be of an explanatory nature only and should not be used for citations; except for electronic citation cases, which must be indicated in the footnotes, together with the citation page (if any) and the date of access to the material.


These citations should be made by the AUTHOR/DATE system containing, in the body of the text, the author's last name with only the initial letter capitalized/date of publication/page number (e.g. MARX, 1982, p.353);


Must contain at least the following: court, judicial body, nature and number of the case, rapporteur, and date of judgment, in that order. E.g.: STJ, Xª T., REsp, Rel. Min. Jxxxx Sxxxxx, j. in xx.xx.xxxx; TJRS, X.C., Ap. xxxxxxx.x, Rel. Cxxxx Dxxxxx, j. in xx.xx.xxxx (or, alternatively, publish to xx.xx.xxxx).


    The complete references should be presented, in alphabetical order, at the end of the text and left alignment (according to ABNT NBR-6023), with the titles highlighted in bold, single spacing between lines, and separated from each other with double spacing, according to the following model:

    a) One author
    SURNAME, Name. Title of the book. City of Publication: Publisher, year of publication.
    Ex: GOMES, L. G. F. Novela and society in Brazil. Niterói: EdUFF, 1998.

    b) Two authors:
    LAST NAME, Name; LAST NAME, Name. Title of the book. City of Publication: Publisher, year of publication.
    Ex: ARAÚJO, I. S.; CARDOSO, J. M. Comunicação e Saúde. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, 2007.

    c) Four or more authors:
    SURNAME, Name; et al. Book title. City of Publication: Publisher, year of publication.
    Ex: DILGER, Gerhard et al. Descolonizar o imaginário: debates about post-extrativism and alternatives to development. São Paulo: Rosa Luxemburgo Foundation, 2016

    Articles from scientific journals and/or periodicals:
    LAST NAME, Name; LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Journal title, Place (city), volume, number, initial-final page, month and year.
    Ex.: RAMOS, André de Carvalho. The new Private International Law and the conflict of sources in international legal cooperation. Journal of the Law School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, v. 108, n. 1, p. 621-647, Jan/Dez. 2013.

    Dissertations and thesis:
    SURNAME, Name. Title: subtitle. Year of presentation. Number of sheets or volumes. Category (degree and area of concentration) - Institution, place.
    Ex: MATOS, Laura Germano. Human rights and business: an analysis of Brazilian parameters of liability for damages to outsourced labor in the clothing sector. 2019. 118 f. Dissertation (Master's Degree) - Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Fortaleza.

    Articles in electronic media:
    SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. Journal title, Place (city), volume, number, initial-final page (or article identification code), year. Available in: xxxxxx. Access in: dd/month/year.
    Ex: ARAGÃO, D. M. C. Controversies of world politics in Human Rights: the context in which the treaty on transnational corporations is discussed. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas, v. 1, n. 2, e:013, 2017. Available at: Access on: July 31st, 2017.


Regular articles

The Regular Articles section is permanently open for submissions throughout the year, papers can be sent for analysis and possible publication at any time. They may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese, and will be published in the language of submission, exceptionally they may be translated.

Eligible publications include works from authors of all areas of knowledge, limited to 3 co-authors per paper. A master's degree is required for the submission of individual papers. These rules apply to all submitted papers, except invited ones. Works in co-authorship must have at least one master and/or doctor. 

In this section we publish papers related to the theme of "Human Rights and Business" in general, without specific restrictions to the field. Below are some examples of directly and indirectly related topics ( non-exhaustive):

  • Business and Human Rights Violations in its various dimensions
    • Gender;
    • Race;
    • Sexuality;
    • Labor relations;
    • Indigenous people and traditional communities;
    • Environment and climate change;
    • New technologies and "technology giants";
  • Impacts of mining and agriculture for the field of Human Rights
    • Dam rupture;
    • Deforestation, expansion of farming and cattle raising activities, and illegal mining;
  • Cases of Human Rights violations by companies in Latin America and in the world
  • Social Movements and violations of Human Rights
    • Articulation of social movements and non-governmental organizations to confront the theme;
    • Performance of Human Rights defenders and their protection;
  • Critical Human Rights Theory and Decoloniality
  • Judicial and non-judicial accountability mechanisms against companies that perpetrate human rights violations;
    • Judicial and extra-judicial agreements in reparation processes;
  • National Agenda on Human Rights and Business;
    • Monitoring of application and implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
    • Development of National Action Plans;
    • Laws of Due Diligence in Human Rights;
    • Other national legislative initiatives on the subject;
  • International Agenda on Human Rights and Business;
    • Process of development of an international binding instrument on Human Rights and Business;
    • Monitoring of the activities of the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights;
    • People’s Treaty;
    • International Systems of Human Rights Protection and violations of Human Rights by corporations;
    • Extraterritoriality and the International Court of Human Rights and Business;
    • Jurisprudence of international courts on Human Rights and Business;
  • Funding to Large Business and the protection of Human Rights
    • Financing policies of the IDB, BNDES, World Bank, and others
    • Development banks, Public-Private Partnerships, the responsibility of financing entities for human rights violations

The Author Guideline must be observed. Due to the demand for contributions received, the final decision regarding published texts will always rest with the Editors.

The evaluation will be done by double-blind peer review, and adaptations and corrections may be requested for publication.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.