Publicado 2024-09-17
Palabras clave
- Human relations,
- Human rights offenses,
- Prejudice,
- Social inequalities,
- Xenophobia
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Derechos de autor 2024 Homa Publica - Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.
History shows that the European colonizers, such as Portugal, Spain, France, England and Netherlands, left deep scars in African, Asian countries and also in countries of Latin America, usurping their wealth, imposing their language and, while they realized the inexistence of other things to explore, they returned completely ignoring their colonies. There is no effective legislation neither internally nor internationally, what exists are recommendations, and what is not the Law is not necessary to comply, at least in the eyes of the uninterested. It is necessary to discuss migration and asylum ignoring any historical advantage that is covered, taking all for equal, not unilaterally claiming victory in a war that many more parties participated, in order to take control of decision-making bodies. The article analyzes human relations, social inequalities, human rights offenses, highlighting the aspect of xenophobia and prejudice, and concludes with the need to increase the perspective of search for equality in rights and duties for all, in the amount of their conditions. For this, the hypothetical-deductive method of approach and the method of monographic procedure are used, with bibliographic and documentary research techniques.
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