A edição francesa de Ponciá Vicêncio e o desafio de traduzir escrevivências



Afro-Brazilian Literature, Escrevivência, Translation, Translation. Reception.


The text proposes a reading of the translation into French of the work Ponciá Vicêncio, by Conceição Evaristo, by Anacaona Editions (2015), highlighting formal solutions presented and their relationship with the themes of writing, as a construction and expression of subjectivities corresponding to an intersectional approach of gender, class and ethnicity. It relates to the effects of meaning produced, a way of representing realities from a point of view that is not very prestigious in canonical Brazilian literature, in its territory of origin. To this end, it systematizes topics related to the classification of texts as “black literature” and “Afro-Brazilian literature”, in the context of organizing anthologies, the domain in which Evaristo's texts were first published and which, therefore, previously formatted their modes. reception. As a result, it problematizes this framing of his work, at the same time that, in the French version, semantic and terminological practices interested in the universalization of his literature are observed, through the modalization of statements, among other procedures.


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