

This article aims to recognize the educational scenario during the initial period of the covid-19 syndemic. In this way, a literature review was carried out in indexed databases - namely, the CAFe-CAPES, Scielo and ERIC platforms - observing in a systematic way the academic productions that discuss the effects of COVID-19 in the educational field around the world. Eighty texts were selected, which discuss the way of organizing work in the midst of social distancing, the difficulties faced by schools and teachers and the first reflections on the strategies used to face the syndemic. As a result, three themes were identified that were most discussed in the works and that guided the organization of the material: (i) changes in the daily lives of teachers and students, questioning the effects of emergency remote work on the health, life and professional performance of teachers; (ii) reflections on education, teaching and learning, highlighting the necessary restructuring of school and teaching work; (iii) and public policies, with regard to access, especially for more vulnerable groups. It is concluded that the teaching work is the foundation of the entire process of facing the crisis, standing out before the public policies implemented in the period, adapting to the different contexts that imposed themselves in the reality of each school.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Romão, PUC-Campinas

PhD student at the Graduate Program in the area of ​​Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Master by the Extension and Graduate Program in the area of ​​Public Policies in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Former pedagogical coordinator of the Languages ​​course - Degree at UniPinhal. Teaches Portuguese Language, Teaching Practices in Portuguese Language and Linguistics in the Languages ​​course at UniPinhal. Graduated in Literature - English from Centro Universitário UNIFEOB (2007) and postgraduate in Human Sciences - History, Philosophy and Sociology from PUC-RS (2022) and in Portuguese Language and Literature from Universidade Cândido Mendes (2014)

Cristina Tassoni, PUC-Campinas

Research Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. Member of the permanent faculty of the Graduate Program in Education at PUC-Campinas. She is currently coordinator of the PPG-Education. She was editor of Revista Educação at PUC-Campinas from 2015 to 2023. Graduated in Pedagogy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1983), Master and Doctor in Education from the State University of Campinas (2000 and 2008, respectively). Coordinates the study group GECOPEF - Group of Collaborative Studies of Elementary School Teachers - with the participation of administrators and teachers. She was a kindergarten and elementary school teacher and pedagogical coordinator for the respective levels of education. Conducts studies in the area of ​​Educational Psychology and Teacher Training, with emphasis on the teaching and learning process in the classroom, working mainly on the following topics: affectivity and cognition, literacy, reading and writing, pedagogical mediation, collaborative groups, teacher-teacher relationship student, Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. Member of ABALF - Brazilian Literacy Association - since its founding in 2012.



How to Cite

Ricci Romão, P. C., & Martins Tassoni, E. C. . (2023). The EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 SYNDEMIC ON EDUCATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Educação Em Foco, 28(1). Retrieved from