


Graduates of training courses can provide information relevant to the educational institutions that trained them. By conducting research with graduates, it is possible to gain knowledge about the professional trajectory of former students, raise up-to-date socio-demographic data on the community, in addition to allowing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the training processes offered. The aim of this study was to seek to understand whether sociodemographic characteristics of the study group, such as the gender and color of the graduates, generated influences on the salary income of the graduates in the labor market. The research sample is composed of 120 individuals graduated in Masters and/or Doctoral courses in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Leisure Studies. To carry out the research, a semi-structured questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument, applied on an online platform. And the collected data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis in the SPSS software. The main results reveal that there are little significant wage differences between those who earn between 1 and 10 minimum wages. However, wage differences are observed in earnings above 15 minimum wages. It was identified in the analysis that most individuals who earn more than 15 minimum wages are men and/or individuals self-declared as white.



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Author Biographies

Renan Monticeli Furtado, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Bacharel em Educação Física e Mestre em Estudos do Lazer pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG).

Christianne Luce Gomes, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos do Lazer da UFMG. Pesquisadora do CNPq e da FAPEMIG/PPM. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa LUCE –Ludicidade, Cultura e Educação (UFMG/CNPq).    


Hélder Ferreira Isayama, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Docente da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e do Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos do Lazer. Pós-Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e em Estudos Culturais pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal). Realiza Estágio de Pós-doutorado em Turismo pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Oricolé - Laboratório de Pesquisa sobre Formação e Atuação Profissional em Lazer da UFMG. Editor da Revista Licere.



How to Cite

Furtado, R. M., Gomes, C. L., & Isayama, H. F. (2022). POSTGRADUATE GRADUATIONS IN LEISURE STUDIES: RELATIONSHIP GENDER, RACE, AND INCOME. Educação Em Foco, 27(1), 27038.