Teacher training of physical education in the context of educational inclusion





Therefore, meeting the special educational demands of access to the curriculum imposes one of the greatest challenges to teachers in this context. Thus, the aim of this study was investigate the ways of curricular contents was organizing in face of Inclusive Education values consolidation in Physical Education courses. The data showed that the analyzed institutions offer subjects aimed highlighting topics related to Adapted Physical Education with guiding principles of inclusive education, Although the identified disciplines constitute a recurring practice of discussing methodological aspects and characterization of the target public, data about the plans suggests there were rare situations of aimed to decrease the improvisation of physical educator work to review the theoretical-practical foundations of schoolchildren of special education.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp/ Professora Assistente Doutora

Pedagogue and Doctor in Education. Assistant professor of the Department of Special Education and the Graduate Program in Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Marília. Post-doctorate in the UFSCar Linguistics Program. He coordinated the network research project funded by the Observatory in Education OBEDUC / CAPES - Accessibility in Higher Education in the period 2013/2017. He is responsible for the International Research Agreement Annex between the Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences of the São Paulo State University - Campus Marília / Brazil and Faculty of Psychology of the University of La Republica do Uruguay / UR (Process No. 418/2014). He is a member of the Red Interuniversitaria Latinoamericana y del Caribe on Disability and Human Rights - UNPL / Argentina and the Academic Committee on Disability and Accessibility, linked to the Association of the Montevideo Group of Universities - CAyAD / AUGM. She is coordinator of the Laboratory of Language and Deafness - LaLis / Unesp and vice-leader of the research group GEPDI / Cnpq (Group of Studies and Research on Disability and Inclusion), demonstrating knowledge production in the areas: Public Policies, Special / Inclusive Education, Teacher Education, Higher Education and Deafness.

Juliana Juliana Cavalcante de Andrade Louzada , Paulista State University - Unesp

PhD student in Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences - UNESP / Marília, in the area of Special Education. Master in Education (research line: Special Education) - FFC / UNESP / Marília. Graduated in Full Degree in Physical Education at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. It mainly works on the following themes: Special Education, Teacher Training, Inclusive Education and School Education. He has already developed research in the areas of health, quality of life and exercise physiology. He actively participated in the network research project funded by the Observatory in Education OBEDUC / CAPES - Accessibility in Higher Education (Edital No. 49/2012). (Source: Lattes Curriculum)



How to Cite

Martins, S. E. S. de O., & Juliana Cavalcante de Andrade Louzada , J. (2021). Teacher training of physical education in the context of educational inclusion. Educação Em Foco, 25(3). https://doi.org/10.34019/2447-5246.2020.v25.32914


