Recreational carrying capacity calculations: an application on Cappadocia rocky sites
Demand Management, Sustainability, Carrying CapacityAbstract
The Cappadocia region, which is crucially important in terms of history, nature and culture, hosts visitors of all ages from all over the world. In order not to lose its attractiveness and appeal and to pass on its continuity to future generations, it is of utmost importance to control demand in heritage areas that have been damaged or are vulnerable to damage. Otherwise, it is feared that structures and formations that are considered incapable of regeneration will be at risk of destruction. The main objective of this study is to identify the areas with the highest number of visitors to heritage sites in the Cappadocia region and to calculate the three recreational carrying capacity (physical, real and effective carrying capacity) and social carrying capacity in these areas. In this context, the areas with the highest density of visitors in the region were first identified based on the statistical reports published by the Nevşehir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism (NPDCT). These areas are designated as Göreme Open-Air Museum (GOAM), Derinkuyu Underground City (DUC) and Kaymaklı Underground City (KUC). Then, the recreational and social carrying capacities for these areas were calculated. In accordance with the calculations, it was revealed that in Derinkuyu and Kaymaklı Underground Cities, both the physical and social carrying capacities were exceeded in all months of the year. In GOAM, it was found that the recreational carrying capacity was exceeded in all months of the year except in the winter months. The results differ according to the summer and winter periods. However, it was determined that the number of monthly visitors that Göreme Open Air Museum should host should be 51,450, DUC should host 27,500 and KUC should host 15,950 in the summer period, when more visitors are travelling.In addition, based on the results of the real carrying capacity, the number of expected daily visitors in the areas concerned was determined and both theoretical and practical contributions were provided in accordance with the results obtained.
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