The affects built from ICT’s present in the tourist context
Information and Communication Technology in Tourism, User Generated Content, Informational Tourist, GoumetizationAbstract
This paper defends the idea that the use of ICTs affects the social constitution of local tourism and may cause greater or lesser engagement of the tourist to the visited place. It aims to understand the affections generated by ICTs from the gourmet practice. Considering the premises that (I) the existence of ICTs does not guarantee experiences that promote a positive response and (II) understanding the affects that increase and reduce people's power to act from the interaction with ICTs can be a competitive advantage for organizations. The study takes place by observing the gourmet practice in the gastronomic organizations based in the tourist complex of Barra Grande - PI. From this, it was possible to identify aspects that demonstrate the affections present in the interaction between human and non-human elements under the connection of ICTs. Through a post-qualitative approach, based on studies of practices, this study used Pink's sensory ethnography strategy, non-participant observation data collection techniques and semi-structured interviews mediated by Nicolini's Zoom in and out technique, which helps in the adjustments of the collection lenses. For analysis, Strati's evocation and interpretation techniques were used. It was concluded that the use of ICTs, from the gourmet practice, affects the constitution of the local tourist sector in a positive and negative way, considering mainly that the affections that the body carries can impact on the power of people to act and promote an increase or reduction in action
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