Commons and tourism: an integrative review




Commons, Common Pool Resource, Tourism, Tourist commons, Integrative Review


The development of tourism on the national scene generally occurs through public initiative and/or public initiative. However, it is possible that there are other ways of managing the elements that make up the tourist activity to achieve a more balanced development between the parties involved, such as the initiative of organized civil society, which refers to the Commons Theory. Therefore, the general objective of this article was to analyze studies that addressed tourism and commons. And as a method used, an integrative review was carried out using the descriptors “commons” AND “tourism” in the Scopus, Web of Science and in SciELO databases. After survey and selection by quality criteria, twelve articles were analyzed. Among the results, it was observed: a) that the focus of the studies lies on the management of natural resources (common-pool resources) of the destination, showing an emphasis on second-generation Commons studies, based on Ostrom (1990); b) that the tragedy of the tourist commons is more related to the lack of Ostrom's (1990) success principles 4 and 5, but also 1, 3, and 6; c) that the success of the tourist commons is more linked to principles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and d) knowledge management can be seen as a strengthener of the tourist commons, mainly for expanding the awareness of those involved in tourism and for knowledge transfer among such actors. The main contribution of the study is to show that managers of common resources (of various natures) in the tourism activity can use the eight success principles of a common-pool resource to guide sustainable tourism development, preferably aligning with the perspective of knowledge management, notably the knowledge commons, to increase the chances of success of the tourism common good.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo Lincoln Leite de Lacerda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorando em Engenharia, Gestão e Mídias do Conhecimento/UFSC (2023). Mestrado em Estudos do Lazer/UFMG (2009). Especialista em Lazer/UFMG (2004). Graduado em Turismo/ Centro Universitário Newton Paiva (2002). Professor do Senac-SC nas áreas de Turismo, Atendimento e Liderança. Pesquisador e Mediador do Programa CEURS (Capacitação em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais para Sustentabilidade). CV: [ ]

Alexandre Augusto Biz, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Pós-Doutor em Negócios/Instituto Stela (2012). Doutor em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento/UFSC (2009). Mestre em Turismo e Hospitalidade/UNIVALI (2003). Graduado em Turismo e Hospitalidade/UNIVALI (1996). Professor do Departamento de Engenharia do Conhecimento da UFSC. Trabalhou no Departamento de Turismo (DETUR) da UFPR (2006-2017). Revisor de artigos em Administração, Turismo, Engenharia de Produção. Coordenador Geral do Seminário Brasil-Espanha sobre Tecnologia da Informação no Turismo ( Orcid: [ ]


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How to Cite

Lacerda, L. L. L. de, & Biz, A. A. (2024). Commons and tourism: an integrative review. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turísticos, 14(1).

