Does trust in vaccination affect eating out behavior?: An application on local people
Local People, Trust in Vaccination, Intention to Eating out, Covid-19Abstract
The aim of this study is to reveal trust in vaccination and intention to eating out bahavior. There may be many variables among the reasons why people choose to eat out. However, it is reasonable to think that the food and beverage industry has suffered due to the current pandemic. Vaccination is one of the remedies recommended to consumers who want to leave their homes and return to their pre-pandemic lives. If the vaccine is not received positively by the society and therefore a sufficient majority of the population does not have antibodies, it does not seem possible for the pandemic period to end. In order to reveal the relationship between the two variables that constitute the study, an application was made to the local people living in the Rize region. A survey form containing the variables of this research was created. A total of 615 usable data were obtained and various analyses were made using SPSS and AMOS software. As a result of these analyses, a positive and significant relationship was found between trust in vaccination and intention to eating out bahavior.
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