How does organization based self-esteem play a role in affecting moonlighting intention and contextual performance in the tourism enterprises?
Organization-based self-esteem, Moonlighting intention, Contextual performance, Tourism industryAbstract
In this research, it is aimed to determine the effect of organization-based self-esteem on moonlighting intention and contextual performance in tourism enterprises and to examine the differentiation of research variables in terms of demographic factors. For this purpose, a questionnaire was applied to 397 employees in tourism enterprises. Analyzes were performed using data obtained from questionnaires. The result of the analysis showed that, employees' moonlighting intention and contextual performance could significantly be explained by organization-based self-esteem. It was determined that a one-unit increase in organization-based self-esteem resulted in a decrease in the moonlighting intention and an increase in the contextual performance. However, it was concluded that there is a very weak negative relationship between organization-based self-esteem and moonlighting intention of employees, and a very high positive relationship between their contextual performances. According to the analyzes, it was determined that there were significant differences between some of the demographic variables of the participants and their organization-based self-esteem, moonlighting intention and contextual performance.
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