Tourism in the Favela of Vidigal: Community based or market based?


  • Fausi Kalaoum Universidade de São Paulo
  • Patrícia Elizabeth de Souza Santiago UFRRJ



This paper had as main objective to analyze critically, by the bias of the community tourism, the intensification of the fluxes and touristic supply that occurred in the favela of Vidigal, located in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro city, after the occupation of the Unidade de PolíciaPacificadora (UPP) in the year of 2012. From this moment, Vidigal – neighbor favela of Ipanema, Leblon and Copacabana worldwide known as touristic neighborhoods – was a stage of the growth not only of the demand, but also the touristic supplies. Thus, the principal questioning of this research was “would the touristic activity in Vidigal be supported by the principles of Community Tourism?”. To achieve these results, this work was constructed with theoretical references, interviews and field observations, being this paper part of a dissertation. The conclusion obtained in the end of the research points that the tourism in Vidigal is ruled by a Market Logic and even exploratory, differently of its sibling favela “Rocinha”, that is pointed by Freire-Medeiros as Community Tourism Favela model.


Author Biographies

Fausi Kalaoum, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutorando em Turismo/ USP (2019), Mestre em desenvolvimento territorial e políticas públicas/ UFRRJ (2018), Especialista em gestão de cidades e planejamento urbano/ UCAM (2017), Bacharel em turismo/UFRRJ, (2016).  Aluno de doutorado no programa de pós-graduação em turismo da Universidade de São Paulo. Professor substituto da UFRRJ em 2018, ex-tutor CEDERJ entre 2016 e 2018. CV: [ ]

Patrícia Elizabeth de Souza Santiago, UFRRJ

Mestrado latu senso em Administração Pública / Universidade Estácio de Sá (2018). Graduação em Turismo / UFRRJ (2016). Analista no Serviço de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae). CV:  [ ]



How to Cite

Kalaoum, F., & Elizabeth de Souza Santiago, P. (2020). Tourism in the Favela of Vidigal: Community based or market based?. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turísticos, 10(1, 2 e 3).