Contributions to the teaching of the interweaving between socratic maieutics and freirean pedagogy
Teaching, Principles, Maieutics, Socrates, Pedagogy, FreireAbstract
This article comes from a master's thesis, whose research objective was to investigate the contributions of the intertwining between Socratic maieutics and Freire's pedagogy for teaching. Qualitative, bibliographical and field research, this work summarizes the results of bibliographical research. Discursive textual analysis was performed. From the interweaving of Plato's main works, on Socrates, and Paulo Freire, four categories emerged, called pedagogical principles: dialogue; the deliverance; teacher “fertilizer” and “midwife” and student-centeredness. From the analysis of the works and the deepening of the principles, it is concluded that Sócrates and Paulo Freire, in distant historical contexts, present methodologies to contribute to the development of a teaching that fosters critical subjects. It is understood that this study helps to face the different challenges in Brazilian education, and can inspire other teachers to fertilize and deliver new pedagogical possibilities, in addition to strengthening the understanding that teaching can be liberating.
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