Editorial Policy

Homa Publica – Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas is a journal with a biannual continuous publication, a means of scientific dissemination of the field "Human Rights and Business", created by Homa - Human Rights and Business Center of the Law School of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

The focus of the journal is the field of "Human Rights and Business", in the area of Law, and it is also open for relevant contributions from other areas of Human Sciences. The journal publishes unpublished and original articles that are not under evaluation in any other journal simultaneously.

Below are some examples of themes directly and indirectly related (non-tax list) to the theme of Human Rights and Business:

  • Business and Human Rights Violations in its various dimensions
    • Gender;
    • Race;
    • Sexuality;
    • Labor relations;
    • Indigenous people and traditional communities;
    • Environment and climate change;
    • New technologies and "technology giants";
  • Impacts of mining and agriculture for the field of Human Rights
    • Dam rupture;
    • Deforestation, expansion of farming and cattle raising activities, and illegal mining;
  • Cases of Human Rights violations by companies in Latin America and in the world
  • Social Movements and violations of Human Rights
    • Articulation of social movements and non-governmental organizations to confront the theme;
    • Performance of Human Rights defenders and their protection;
  • Critical Human Rights Theory and Decoloniality
  • Judicial and non-judicial accountability mechanisms against companies that perpetrate human rights violations;
    • Judicial and extra-judicial agreements in reparation processes;
  • National Agenda on Human Rights and Business;
    • Monitoring of application and implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
    • Development of National Action Plans;
    • Laws of Due Diligence in Human Rights;
    • Other national legislative initiatives on the subject;
  • International Agenda on Human Rights and Business;
    • Process of development of an international binding instrument on Human Rights and Business;
    • Monitoring of the activities of the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights;
    • People’s Treaty;
    • International Systems of Human Rights Protection and violations of Human Rights by corporations;
    • Extraterritoriality and the International Court of Human Rights and Business;
    • Jurisprudence of international courts on Human Rights and Business;
  • Funding to Large Business and the protection of Human Rights
    • Financing policies of the IDB, BNDES, World Bank, and others
    • Development banks, Public-Private Partnerships, the responsibility of financing entities for human rights violations

The journal's mission is to promote the enrichment of academic debate in the field of "Human Rights and Business", in addition to serving as a means of dissemination to a broader public. It is guided by an anonymous and careful evaluation to achieve this objective, ensuring the greatest possible neutrality of opinions and the selection of quality texts on the subject. Thus, it does not restrict theoretically or methodologically the proposals, guaranteeing isonomy in the evaluations.

For information on the requirements of the authors and the possibilities of collaboration, see the instructions in the item Submissions. Depending on the demand for contributions received, the final decision regarding the published texts will always be up to the Editors.

The call for papers for Homa Publica – Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas is permanently open; Papers can be submitted for analysis and possible publication at any time.

Eligible publications include works from authors of all areas of knowledge, limited to 3 co-authors per paper, requiring a minimum master's degree from at least one of the authors.

The evaluation will be done through double-blind peer review. Please note that changes and corrections in the works might be requested before publishing.

Homa Publica publishes only original and unpublished papers, which are not simultaneously under review by any other publication. The authors must comply to these terms in the submission process. If the existence of a previous publication or the simultaneous submission to other journals is detected, the article will be disregarded. Simultaneous submission of a scientific paper to more than one journal is a serious lack of ethics. Access to the full contents of Homa Publica is free to all users. All existing material in its publications can be freely copied, shared and reproduced for non-commercial purposes, as long as the source, authorship and content integrity are respected (no changes allowed).

The identification of plagiarism will result in the immediate disregard of the work for publication, notwithstanding other legally appropriate action.

Texts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and will be published in their respective submission language as a rule. Exceptionally, some papers might be translated by the Journal board.

Therefore, knowledge and reading comprehension skills in English or Spanish are required from reviewers. Papers will be sent for evaluation as soon as they are submitted in our system, making sure that this number does not exceed the limit of 2 works per semester (If necessary, evaluation above the set limit will be considered by the editorial board).

The evaluation criteria will be determined subsequently, and the evaluators will be informed about them when the works are submitted to examination.