an invisible phenomenon: : Land Grabbing as an Economic Crime Against Humanity
Published 2023-12-19
- Land Grabbing,
- Crime against humanity. ,
- Core Crimes,
- Business and Human Rights,
- Neoliberalism
- Original acumulation,
- Economic Crimes against Humanity ...More
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Based on three case studies (Colombia, South East Asia and Mexico), the article analyzes land grabbing as a phenomenon linked with core crimes; The authors stipulate common characteristics of the phenomenon and propose the stipulation of land grabbing as an Economic Crime Against Humanity. In this task, the authors analyze the statute of the International Criminal Court, highlighting its inability to deal with the phenomenon, especially when it results in serious crimes. Seen from this perspective, the land grabbing is presented as a strategy rather than a tactic carried out by transnational companies that use, among others, crimes against humanity to carry out the land grab.
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