Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)
Regular articles

[Retracted Article] Extraterritorial protection of human rights according to US civil jurisprudence

Dimitris Liakopoulos
Capa Verde escrito Revista Internacional de Direitos Humanos e Empresas, 2020 Volume 04

Published 2020-12-18


  • ATS,
  • Piracy,
  • Protection of Human Rights,
  • Torture,
  • International Jurisprudence

How to Cite

Liakopoulos, D. (2020). [Retracted Article] Extraterritorial protection of human rights according to US civil jurisprudence. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional De Derechos Humanos Y Empresas, 4(1), e:066. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/HOMA/article/view/32034


The editorial team of Homa Publica - Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas proceeded to retract the research due to the non compliance with the editorial norms.


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