Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Regular articles

Colonialism and entrepreneurial governance in the Global South

Flávia do Amaral Vieira
Universidade Federal do Pará | Belém, Pará - Brasil

Published 2018-01-31


  • Colonialism,
  • Neoliberalism,
  • Global South

How to Cite

Vieira, F. do A. (2018). Colonialism and entrepreneurial governance in the Global South. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional De Derechos Humanos Y Empresas, 2(1), e:024. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/HOMA/article/view/30550


In summing up the roots that link Latin American territories, especially brazilian ones, with the operative logics of transnational capitalism, we agree with Quijano's thesis that globalization is, in the first place, the culmination of a a process that began with the constitution of America and colonial/modern and eurocentric capitalism as a new world power standard. In this scenario, with the advance of neoliberalism and the great waves of privatization, transnational corporations become one of the most powerful institutions of our time, with the strategic support of the states. A "global market" formed by an interlocking of coalitions of public and private entities promotes different interests of state and economic powers, consolidating a " entrepreneurial governance" that plays a central role in the exploration and transfer of wealth from the global South to the North. Parallel to this process, civil society are aiming to break with what has been called "architecture of impunity", that prevents accountability of transnational corporations for human rights violations, from the imposition of terms such as governance and self-regulation. From a bibliographical research, this article intends to analyze how the colonial logics of normalization of the performance of these companies operate in the Global South.


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