Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Regular articles

Typifying the effects of litigation in companies and social movements

Cristiana Losekann
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | Vitória, Espírito Santo - Brasil

Published 2016-11-30


  • Strategic litigation,
  • Social movements,
  • Legal mobilization,
  • Effects,
  • Socioenvironmental conflicts

How to Cite

Losekann, C. (2016). Typifying the effects of litigation in companies and social movements. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional De Derechos Humanos Y Empresas, 1(1), e:011. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/HOMA/article/view/30460


In social movements, litigation is used to bring collective actions against transnational corporations. The effects of this strategy are discussed in the current paper. The main objective is to present a typology that advances research on this subject, as literature is scarce. A social scientific approach is adopted. Data is derived from the observations of a set of empirical studies concerning the use of legal strategies in environmental conflicts in Brazil over the last two decades.


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