About the Journal

Homa Publica – Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos y Empresas is a journal with a biannual continuous publication, a means of scientific dissemination of the field "Human Rights and Business", created by Homa - Human Rights and Business Center of the Law School of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

The focus of the journal is the field of "Human Rights and Business", in the area of Law, and it is also open for relevant contributions from other areas of Human Sciences. The journal publishes unpublished and original articles that are not under evaluation in any other journal simultaneously. Below are some examples of themes directly and indirectly related (non-tax list) to the theme of Human Rights and Business:

The journal's mission is to promote the enrichment of academic debate in the field of "Human Rights and Business", in addition to serving as a means of dissemination to a broader public. It is guided by an anonymous and careful evaluation to achieve this objective, ensuring the greatest possible neutrality of opinions and the selection of quality texts on the subject. Thus, it does not restrict theoretically or methodologically the proposals, guaranteeing isonomy in the evaluations.

For information on the requirements of the authors and the possibilities of collaboration, see the instructions in the item Submissions. Depending on the demand for contributions received, the final decision regarding the published texts will always be up to the Editors.

Paper submission, processing, and publication process

The entire editorial process takes place through the OJS/SEER platform, which has been translated and customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT) based on software developed by the Public Knowledge Project (Open Journal Systems) at the University of British Columbia (http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/). The OJS allows an increase in the reading and citation of the authors' work, besides facilitating the editorial process and the indexation of the works.

The journal's editorial process consists of the following steps: Submission > Previous analysis by the editor in charge of respecting the publication norms and editorial policy (desk review) > Double-blind peer-review > Editorial decision by the editor in charge (changes may be requested from the author in order to accept the work) > Text Review > Diagramming > Publication.

The call for papers for publication in Homa Publica - International Journal of Human Rights and Business is permanently open; papers can be sent for analysis and possible publication at any time.

Currently, the journal adopts the Continuous Publication system. The approved and edited articles will be immediately published in one of the open editions.  This new editorial policy follows the worldwide trend in scientific dissemination, favoring the reader and the author, who will no longer need to wait for the issue's closure to have access to the publications.

There is no cost to authors for the submission, processing, and publication of papers.

Double-Blind Review Process

All manuscripts sent to the journal will be submitted to the editorial review. Articles sent for publication are submitted to the desk review process (prior evaluation by the editor). After this process, the articles are peer-reviewed (double-blind review) by at least 02 reviewers, with a high degree of expertise in the subject matter. If the editor receives conflicting reviews, the article may be sent to an additional 3rd reviewer before the final decision of the editor responsible. Approved articles may undergo editorial review to facilitate clarity and understanding without altering their content.

Section Policies


The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. These must be unpublished and original and must fit the scope of the publication. The editorial decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Verificado Peer-Reviewed


Publication of thematic Dossiers, organized by the editorial team of the Journal and by invited specialized editors. For the dossiers, contrary to the general rules of publication, at least 1 of the authors is required to have a doctoral degree. The editorial decision is made by the guest editor.

Verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Verificado Peer-Reviewed

Research Reports - Homa

This section will include technical and research reports produced by Homa with a focus on the actions of organized civil society in defense of Human Rights. We intend this section to provide a greater connection between academia and civil society, bringing knowledge closer to the acting society. The works published here are not peer-reviewed and are not counted for CAPES purposes.

Não verificado Open submissions Verificado Indexed Não verificado Peer-Reviewed


Não verificado Open submissions Não verificado Indexed Não verificado Peer-Reviewed

Free Access Policy

The journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle of increasing the visibility and impact of the research developed, providing greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. 

The works are licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 License, Attribution.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive system distributed among participating libraries and allows libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. Read more +.
Also, all the journal's files are archived on an external server and your local server.

Conflict of Interest

The authors must indicate when submitting the article, in the field itself for the area, if they have affiliation or involvement with any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as fees; scholarship; participation in lecture agencies; affiliation, employment, consultancy, ownership of shares or other equity; and specialized depositions or patent licensing agreements), or any financial interest (such as personal or professional relations) with the material researched in the article to be submitted.

Ethical Commitment

The journal follows the ethical guidelines and good practices produced by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All parties involved in the publication - authors, editors, and referees - are expected to behave ethically according to the values of the scientific field.


The authors should present an objective discussion on the meaning of the research work, as well as sufficient details and references to allow replication of experiments.
Fraudulent or inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Authors should ensure that their work is entirely original and that quotes from other peers are adequately presented.
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
Likewise, submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time also constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
Authors should not submit articles that describe substantially the same research to more than one journal.
The author responsible for submission must ensure full acceptance by all co-authors of the final version of the article and its submission for publication.


Editors must evaluate manuscripts exclusively based on their academic merit.
An editor should not use unpublished information in his own research without the express consent of the author.
Editors should take reasonable and responsive measures in the event of complaints about a submitted manuscript or a published article.


Each manuscript received for evaluation should be treated as a confidential document.
Inside information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and may not be used in a personally advantageous way.
Reviews should be conducted objectively, and observations should be clearly formulated with arguments to support them so that authors can use them to improve their articles.
If a selected reviewer feels unqualified to carry out the evaluation or knows that he or she will not be able to do so, he or she should communicate promptly to the editor.
Reviewers should not accept reviewing manuscripts with which they have any conflict of interest as a result of competitive, collaborative, or other relationships.


The journal adopts in the desk review phase the verification of plagium through the Plagium platform. The identification of possible cases of plagiarism at any stage of the editorial process will lead to the immediate disqualification of the work for publication, without prejudice to other legally applicable measures, which may lead to the despublication of the work already published.

Guidelines for user registration

It is of utmost importance that users follow the guidelines below when filling out the profile. The complete information makes it easier to search the system for metadata. 

  1. In the "Last name" field, place only your last name, as it will facilitate the recommendation of citation of the work;
  2. Fill in your ORCID and the URL (electronic page address) of your CV. If you do not have the ORCID number, register in it through the link  https://orcid.org/;
  3. In the "papers" field, check the options "Reader" and "Author";
  4. In the end, click on "save".

Journal History

was created in the second semester of 2016 by Homa - Center for Human Rights and Business at UFJF as a vehicle to publish academic papers and disseminate research in the area of Human Rights and Business, Latin American researchers, and from around the world. Initially, the journal was printed and had biannual periodicity with publications in January and July of each year. From 2020 on, the journal became a continuous publication, having annual periodicity that year, while adapting to the new format of continuous digital publication, following the world trend in scientific dissemination, favoring the reader and the author, who will no longer need to wait for the closure of the issue to have access to the publications. Thus, after the adaptation period, in 2021 Homa Publica returned to its biannual periodicity, comprising Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec.

In the Plataforma Sucupira (Sucupira Platform), according to the Qualis/CAPES evaluation (2017-2020), the journal presents the following qualifications. It is important to emphasize our effort to improve the evaluation of the journal, which was created at the end of 2016:

Law: A4 | Geography: A4 | Economy: A4 | Political Science and International Relations: A4 | Communication and Information: A4


The journal has been sponsored from 2016 to 2021 by Ford Foundation, and since 2021 by Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.