Theory of Didactic Situations and Didactical Engineering with the Support of GeoGebra in Teaching Plane Olympic Geometry
Geometry, Didactical Engineering, Theory of Didactic Situations, GeoGebraAbstract
This article is derived from research conducted by the Group of Studies on Weaving Cognitive Learning Networks at the Federal University of Ceará - Fortaleza Campus, with support from the State Department of Ceará. The purpose of this study is to present alternatives for teaching practices in Plane Geometry and Sequences, focusing on the professional development of future Mathematics teachers, using visual and interactive approaches through the GeoGebra software. The methodology employed will be Didactical Engineering, in conjunction with the Theory of Didactic Situations, to guide the investigation. Thus, the aim is to contribute to the initial and ongoing training of Mathematics teachers by creating didactic situations involving Plane Geometry with Olympic problems, enhancing the visualization and understanding of the content with the support of GeoGebra.
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