Transdisciplinarity of the parabolic conic section: a transmethodical exercise
Mathematics Mducation; Decoloniality; Planetarity; Complexity; Transdisciplinarity.Abstract
In profoundly disruptive and inclusive rhizomes, with a planetary-complex decolonial transmethodology, the complex objective of the inquiry is met, framed in the line of research: Transcomplex Planetary Decolonial Mathematics Education: sustain beyond the applications, but with them, the Decolonial transdisciplinarity of the parabolic conic section, as a transmethodical exercise. We use rhizomatic deconstruction as a transmethod. Research where the unidisciplinary crisis of mathematics teaching is deconstructed, still colonial and conceptualizing decolonial transdisciplinarity. Then we go to the reconstruction, making it more complex and exercising transdisciplines in the classical concept of conics, such as parabolas; history-philosophy-feeling-thinking-knowledge-knowledge of mathematics are transversalized with daily life, in a non-physical intersubjective space, where one learns with all the complexity of the human being. In a concert of fantasies, where parables are everywhere, we make their actions more complex in favor of knowing; for never definitive reasons. Transdisciplinarity never kidnapped in coloniality, no one's elite, never a substitute for disciplines, it really needs them more. Neither is transdiscipline science; but if exemplary in knowing and doing. Sciences - knowledge, abstract-concrete, theory-example; among other diatopias; make transdiscipline a knowledge-knowledge that arises from a concrete-abstract-theoretical-investigative-practical context of application; purposeful to solve real problems, leads to raise contingent and transcendent problems; reconciles topoi. Transdiscipline tends to be in permanent restructuring and self-analysis, adapting to the conditions that cause the need to create, it is artistic, imaginative, of feeling and deeply disruptive of doing; of what is excluded from the disciplines. We leave the construction open, we are fanatics for knowing and as in the work Ode to Numbers at its beginning: how eager I am to know, to count the stars.
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