Conhecimento e Representação: lados de um mesmo objeto semiótico
Conhecimento Matemático, Educação Básica, Sistema SemióticoAbstract
The present work has the objective of general investigation to understand in a basic way the Theory of the Register of Semiotic Representation - TRRS, its application in situations of mathematical knowledge at the level of Basic Education. This investigation was based on the parameters circumscribed by the qualitative approach research when reflecting on the resolutive possibilities of two questions of the National High School Exam - Enem of the year 2020. Thus, we exhibit theoretical and practical discussions based on, mainly in Duval (2003, 2009 , 2011) to explore algebraic and geometric representation registers within their scope: object, representations, registers, semiotic system, treatment and conversion. Specifically, we were able to identify the elements of TRRS in the possible practices of mathematics teachers, as well as in the process of developing student learning. In addition, we conclude that geometric knowledge needs to enable associations between the approached object and its possible and distinct representations, favoring the correspondence established between the units.
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