Mathematics Education and Science
Dialectical Historical Materialism, Philosophy of Science, Education, Mathematics Education, UndisciplinarizationAbstract
Initially, we questioned whether Mathematics Education could be considered a science. From this point on, we delved into authors in the History and Philosophy of Science, especially Patricia Fara, Maria Andery, and Alan Chalmers, to learn what they say on the subject. We looked at the great classics of history and the ways in which they presented their achievements to humanity, from Egypt and Babylon, through ancient Greece and, above all, with its zenith with the arrival of knowledge in Europe, when it became globalized and universalized. Alan Chalmers, in turn, is summoned, with his categorizing formulations, in the field of Philosophy of Science, critical reading, raising pillars and knocking them down one by one, starting from the contradictions in their own terms. We approached two of Chalmers' critical texts, likewise, by Antonio Miguel, and his edifying conceptual proposal of undisciplinarization, which we consider revolutionary. In the end, we provide answers, regarding our inquiries, based on the conclusions of our two main authors, Chalmers and Miguel.
Keywords: Dialectical Historical Materialism; Philosophy of Science; Education; Mathematics Education; Undisciplinarization.
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