Participação Discente e Situações Matemáticas na Perspectiva dos Cenários para Investigação: um estudo no sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental




Cenários para Investigação, Participação, Diálogo, Educação Matemática


This article discusses pedagogical interventions from the perspective of landscapes of investigation in Mathematics classes in Basic Education. The question is: How do Mathematics teaching situations involving landscapes of investigation enhance student participation? Its objective is: to analyze the potential of Mathematics teaching situations involving landscapes of investigation with a 6th grade class of elementary school in a school in the municipal education network in Jaguarão/RS, for the participation of students. For this purpose, five meetings with a 6th grade classroom were developed, with 21 students, aged between 11 and 16 years. The recording of actions was carried out through a field diary, photos and transcription of footage. The analysis was based on the reading of the transcription of the meetings with the students. As research theorization, we used the principles of landscapes of investigation and the concepts of participation and dialogue, supported by Arlø, Skovsmose and Freire. The analyzes point out the landscapes of investigation as a theoretical-methodological way to propose in Mathematics classes, leading students to experience, to get involved in activities and to solve problems, from the perspective of investigative collaboration, participation and dialogue. In this sense, participation, through the prism of dialogue, allows us to point out that cooperation presents itself as a possibility of interaction between teacher and student and between students, as a mode of communication.


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How to Cite

POZZOBON, M. C. C. .; AMARAL, C. E. da C. do .; MORAES, J. C. P. de . Participação Discente e Situações Matemáticas na Perspectiva dos Cenários para Investigação: um estudo no sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental. Revista de Investigação e Divulgação em Educação Matemática , [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.34019/2594-4673.2022.v6.36273. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.