A compreensão de números e operações numéricas no sistema de numeração decimal como referência para a prática pedagógic





The understanding of numbers and number operations in the decimal numbering system as reference for pedagogical practice


Students in the 6th grade of Basic Education have shown unsatisfactory performances regarding the learning and consolidation of mathematical concepts and operations related to the Decimal Numbering System (SND), which led us to conduct a research with the objective of analyzing difficulties presented by 6th grade students in the development of skills and abilities related to the domain of SND properties and the ideas implied in the operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division and their respective algorithms. The methodological actions characterize a concomitant mixed methods research. The results showed that difficulties related to the Decimal Numbering System, demonstrated by these students, are greater for the use of algorithms when compared to those for identifying the mathematical operation to which they refer. We conclude that difficulties demonstrated with algorithms, for the most part, expressed the non-consolidation, by these 6th grade students, of learning about the concepts of grouping and positionality that make up the Decimal Numbering System. So, we understand that these results and conclusion make it possible to refer perspectives for the teaching-learning of concepts and operations related to the Decimal Numbering System and its properties for the teacher education of Mathematics teachers, given the importance of consolidating these curricular concepts for the continuity of studies as for a full social coexistence.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, R. G. de .; NASCIMENTO, C. A. do. A compreensão de números e operações numéricas no sistema de numeração decimal como referência para a prática pedagógic. Revista de Investigação e Divulgação em Educação Matemática , [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, 2021. DOI: 10.34019/2594-4673.2021.v5.34540. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/ridema/article/view/34540. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.