Origin, dilemmas and pathways for the continuing teacher education at stricto sensu professional level and a new frontier
Graduate courses, Possibility, Intervention, Identity, New frontierAbstract
In this paper, aims to synthetisize discussions carried out during a lecture given at the 3th Meeting of Professional Masters and Doctorates in Education and Teacher Education of Minas Gerais, in 2019, at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, regarding origin, dilemmas and possible pathways for the in service teachers training courses of masters and doctorate. The text presents the first steps taken for graduate studies in Brazil, between the 1960s and 1970s of the last century. The option for documentary analysis occurred to make the initial survey of the origin of institutionalized graduate studies in Brazil, in order to bring light to the contemporary. It is also proposed to think about investigation and the educational product on pedagogical practice, under perspective of building identity of projects for the incessant consolidation of these stricto sensu professional graduate courses in Brazil. Ultimately, the manuscript is anchored in the lived experience and theoretical bases for reaching the conception that we are currently establishing: the Professional Doctorate as the newest graduation frontier.
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