Acompanhamento dos egressos do Programa de Mestrado em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática da PUC Minas
Follow-up of graduates, Masters in education, Educational products.Abstract
This article brings, as a theme, the systematization of the monitoring of graduates of the Master’s Program in Teaching of PUC Minas, which began to be done in recent years. The first survey was conducted in 2015, with a view to commemorating the ten years of the Program and in 2016-2017, a project funded by the Research Incentive Fund was developed – FIP from PUC Minas. Through the information of these two moments, it was possible to verify the level of satisfaction of graduates with the Program, the improvement of financial gains in their professions and the use of products developed in their dissertations in schools of fundamental, middle and higher levels. Data from all graduates of the Program were used until December 2019. Currently is under development a research with partial data with information about his doctorates and the formation of study and research groups in their workplaces.
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PUC MINAS. Egressos. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 out. 2017.