Saberes Geométricos na Formação de Professores Primários no Seminário Alemão de São Leopoldo (Dels): 1926-1939


  • Circe Mary Silva da Silva



Geometria, Escola Normal, Seminário Alemão Evangélico de Formação de Professores


This The present work seeks to identify the geometric knowledge prescribed in the teaching programs as well as their presence in the evaluative practices at the German Evangelical Teacher Training Seminary (DELS), in São Leopoldo (RS), in the period 1926-1939. For that matter, Cultural History was mobilized as a theoretical-methodological tool, and the following primary sources were analyzed: DELS directors' reports, institutional photographs and textbooks used in the DELS. The research evidenced the strong presence of flat and spatial geometry in the formation of student teachers at normal school and found in the evaluative practices the emphasis on problems applied to situations that could occur in daily life and the absence of theoretical questions involving definitions and demonstrations. In addition, the contents prescribed in the programs were very close to the textbooks of German authors used in teaching as well as the final exam questions, which reveals that the curriculum matrix in the DELS was closer to the German Teacher Training Seminars than the Brazilian model.


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How to Cite

SILVA, C. M. S. da . Saberes Geométricos na Formação de Professores Primários no Seminário Alemão de São Leopoldo (Dels): 1926-1939. Revista de Investigação e Divulgação em Educação Matemática , [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, 2019. DOI: 10.34019/2594-4673.2018.v2.27364. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.