Tradução e difusão no Brasil da literatura africana francófona
African Francophone writers. Translation. Brazilian publishing market.Abstract
This article presents a history of the translation and dissemination in Brazil of works by African authors from Francophone countries. By cataloging and chronologically listing the translations in Brazil, the aim is to reflect on the images and meanings associated with these works over time. In the first part of the article, concerning the initial publications in the 1950s and 1960s, the focus is on tensions between racist ideology, an exoticized view of Africans, and the struggle for cultural and identity affirmation. Next, from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s, the article examines the relationship between the publication of collections of African works with anti-colonial themes and the Brazilian military dictatorship. Finally, it addresses the intensification of the circulation of translations of Francophone authors and the changes in editorial approaches from the 2000s onward.
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