The crowned reader's stylistics:
Subversion and carnivalization in the construction of the fanfiction speech genre
This work analyzes fanfic as a literary practice of experimentation in which the author's values, questions and identities are reflected and refracted into their narratives. Therefore, it understands fanfiction as a scriptural production performed by fan subjects, in fandoms, motivated by the emotional-volitional relationship of these subjects' affectivity with a matrix text. To achieve our goals, we make use of the postulates from Bakhtin (2015a; 2015b; 2015c), especially regarding the discussion of sign, ideology, discursive genres, carnivalization, coronation-dethronement and re-elaboration. In an attempt to deepen the debate, discussions about convergence culture and speculative anthropology pointed out by Jenkins (2009) and Nodari (2015) join the theoretical framework. Finally, the research demonstrated stylistic elements that characterize and differentiate fanfic from other novel genres and how its practice is a vector of identity experimentation for those who produce it.