


According to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), Portuguese language teaching must ensure that, during Basic Education, the students will learn the standard norm and master how to use the vernacular in different contexts, aiming at a Linguistic Education in which mother tongue classes are effectively linguistic analysis classes. Among so many topics to think about a Linguistic Education that provides both the learning of the standard norm and the student's linguistic literacy process, we chose punctuation, for it seems to us to be a content that is undervalued by Portuguese teachers. In our reflections, we start from the understanding that traditional teaching does not take into account the socio-communicative context and, therefore, what motivated the use of punctuation in the most diverse discursive genres. This perspective led to the development of Interactive Didactic Sequences that would make the student analyze the text, as well as the Portuguese language, in order to understand the role of punctuation in discursive genres. As Linguistic Education does not propose to banish grammar, our research is based not only on the definitions of punctuation, but also on how Azeredo (2018), Bechara (2004) and Cegalla (s/d) describe the question mark, the exclamation mark, the ellipsis, the parentheses and the dash ˗ notational resources used to create Interactive Didactic Sequences for 1st year High school students in the state of Rio de Janeiro public schools. As a result, we found students who graduated from Elementary School without knowing the role of punctuation in the most diverse discursive genres, which made us think about Linguistic Education practices based exclusively on memorizing nomenclature and on memorizing rules.


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Author Biographies

Renata Monteiro do Espírito Santo, SEEDUC / CPII (MPPEB)

Bacharel e licenciada em Letras Português-Espanhol pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2009). Especialista em Ensino de Leitura e Produção textual pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (2014) , em Docência do Ensino Básico em Língua Portuguesa pelo Programa de Residência Docente do Colégio Pedro II (2016) e em Orientação Educacional pelo IFHT da UERJ (2018). Atualmente é aluna do Mestrado Profissional em Práticas de Educação Básica pelo Colégio Pedro II. Leciona língua portuguesa na rede municipal de São Gonçalo e na rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Interesse em: ensino de produção textual, letramento literário, ensino de língua portuguesa, letramento linguístico.

José Ricardo Dordron de Pinho, Colégio Pedro II

Doutor em Língua Espanhola pela UFRJ. Professor titular de Espanhol do Colégio Pedro II, onde atua no curso de Mestrado Profissional em Práticas de Educação Básica. Seus principais interesses de pesquisa estão relacionados a questões de oralidade e pronúncia na Educação Básica. 



How to Cite

Espírito Santo, R. M. do ., & Pinho, J. R. D. de . (2024). UMA PROPOSTA DE EDUCAÇÃO LINGUÍSTICA A PARTIR DO ENSINO DOS SINAIS DE PONTUAÇÃO. Educação Em Foco, 29(1).