Who is the naive, after all?


  • Marisol Barenko
  • Ana Lúcia Adriana Costa e Lopes UFF/ NITEROI - SECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃO - JF




The question of study about the enunciations of the children, about their experiences in the school institution while children that don’t learn, that are in a different places of the children that are said to be “normal”, for not having expected learning in an expected chronological time. It is in dialogue with one of this children that we tension the adjective naive, that when being used, takes off the person from the culture, taking their chance of been active, expressive and talkative as Bakhtin said, because when the children suffer from different classifications, they bring a counterword in their enunciations. They are enunciated in answers, because a force exists against the on that the children is put on and answers. There is a movement of tension between the place where they are put on: the non-learning one and the place where they answer with their enunciations that contradict innocence, purity or naivety, in the meaning of unknown.


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How to Cite

Barenco, M., & Costa e Lopes , A. L. A. . (2019). Who is the naive, after all?. Educação Em Foco. https://doi.org/10.22195/2447-5246029155


