The Role of the Employees in the Innovation of the Hotel Enterprises




Hotel enterprises, employee innovative behaviors, innovation, human capital, qualified employees


Due to globalization, gaining competitive advantage has become an important problem for all enterprises. Especially hotel enterprises can face with certain problems such as providing similar and easily imitable products and services. Therefore, they are in the need of employees delivering services in such an innovative way that cannot be imitated easily. First in this chapter, the factors affecting the innovative behaviors of employees in hotel enterprises were examined in detail. Second, it was explained how employees’ innovative behaviors, which would bring a significant competitive advantage to hotel enterprises, could shape consumer perceptions and attitudes. Lastly, the matters to be taken into notice by hotel enterprises were mentioned and it was tried to pave the way for future researches so that hotel enterprises can benefit from their employees’ innovative behaviors in a more efficient way.


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Author Biography

Bekir Bora DEDEOĞLU, Nevsehir HBV University

Dr. Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu earned a Ph.D. degree from in the Tourism Management department at Akdeniz University and now works in the Tourism Faculty at the Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University (Turkey). His research interests include destination marketing, destination branding, tourist behavior, and hospitality marketing. He has published articles in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, the Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, the International Journal of Hospitality Management, and the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Dr. Dedeoğlu also serves as reviewer for leading tourism and hospitality journals, such as Tourism Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, and the International Journal of Hospitality Management.


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How to Cite

DEDEOĞLU, B. B., Aydın, Şule, & Boğan, E. (2019). The Role of the Employees in the Innovation of the Hotel Enterprises. Anais Brasileiros De Estudos Turísticos, 8(3), 85–99.

