Distance education management in Mozambique
Improving academic units based on the student profile
Student profile, Distance education, MozambiqueAbstract
In this article we seek to reflect on the profile of Distance Education students and their relationship with the management of academic units of this type of teaching in Mozambique aiming to alert the creators and implementers of public policies about the importance of structuring such institutions on the characteristics and needs of their students. In methodological terms this is a bibliographical research, established in the identification, analysis and reflection of theoretical assumptions about Distance Education (DE). From the readings carried out, we came to understand the importance of educational institutions monitoring of the dynamics of technology, adjusting them to the context of each society, especially with regard to their public, the students. In this sense, we conclude that there is a need to rethink DE actions in Mozambican face-to-face education institutions so that it actually constitutes an instrument for democratizing access to quality education in the country.
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